Our Story
The Marigold seed was planted many years ago as I grew up in a house with ten brothers and sisters. My Mother is no ordinary woman! She didn't feed us hotdogs or boxed macaroni with powdered cheese. We usually dined late in the evening, after the sun set. Mom would spend hours pouring her love into every meal she served. She hand fried sixty taco shells for just one meal! School lunches were lined up on the kitchen counter in the morning filled with home cooked roast beef sandwiches. Crepes, lasagna, cream puffs... She even made taffy on the marble floor! We would hear the sound of the dinner bell and come running from the surrounding neighborhood, usually with a few extra in tow. Those dinners were the center of our lives. We laughed, we shared and we loved.
Meal time floods back sweet memories for me and brings comfort. I want to share that feeling by serving my endeared city with all of my love baked into every bite.